Saturday, 15 June 2013

It's Friday Again

Last night (a few weeks ago now that I finally get to publish this) I was sitting on my couch, tired after playing a bit of basketball with people that are much younger, much stronger, and in much better shape than I am, and I realized that I was hearing loud music; the kind of music you would hear in a disco around here. “Of course”, I thought, “It's Thursday, and we are in a (tiny) university town.

Today is Friday, indeed, and our Nigerians put on their traditional clothes...

Monday, 3 June 2013

5000 for Uganda Challenge

Sayasi has launched a small big challenge: obtaining 5000 euros from small donations to improve the facilities of the Institute of Biomedical Research. Will you help us getting there? And disseminating the info?



Sayansi ha lanzado un pequeño gran reto: conseguir 5000 euros a base de pequeñas donaciones para mejorar las instalaciones del Institute of Bomedical Research ¿Nos ayudas a conseguirlo? ¿y a difundirlo?