Saturday, 12 January 2013

Anyone from Norway?

Is there anyone out there working in a Norwegian higher education institution who might want to apply to this call with us?;jsessionid=664B34813E92DC45BB2E97B5FCA18CF5

See who we are on our website and in previous posts of this blog.

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)

Title: Norwegian Programme for Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)

The aim of the programme is to strengthen capacity of higher education institutions in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) to educate more and better qualified candidates, and to increase quality and quantity of research conducted by the countries’ own researchers.

Based on a needs assessment in the relevant country, NORHED projects may include institutional capacity building elements like joint Norwegian-South research, competence building of staff through Master, PhD and Post Doc fellowships, administrative and small scale infrastructure strengthening, initiatives to increase access to higher education. The projects must also aim to build and launch Master (and if needed Bachelor) programs responsive to needs in the LMIC, that should be possible to sustain at the LMIC institution after the NORHED funding has come to an end. Education programmes must focus on the long-term need for capacity building in the South, and the recruitment from the South to the education programmes must be ensured.

Eligible Applications: Applications to the following NORHED sub-programmes are eligible for this call:

  • Education and Training
  • Health
  • Natural Resource Management, Climate Change and Environment
  • Democratic and Economic Governance
  • Humanities, Culture, Media and Communication
  • Capacity Development in South Sudan

Who can apply?

Eligible institutions for NORHED support are:

  • In Low and Middle Income Countries: Higher Education Institutions accredited/recognised by in-country national authorities. Countries must be listed in OECD DAC’s register of official development assistance recipients, or listed in the specific call for applications.
  • In Norway: Higher Education Institutions accredited by NOKUT (Norwegian Agency for Quality Education), offering accredited degree programmes, and operating in accordance with Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education (UNESCO/OECD 2005)

The applications shall be submitted jointly by the LMIC and Norwegian partner institutions. The partnership shall select one partner institution to be the contract partner. For main NORHED projects, the preferred partnership model is where one of the South-based-institution holds the lead, underscoring the aim of southern partner ownership and capacity building. However, in situations where the LMIC partners do not have the capacity to take the project lead, the Norwegian partner can be the lead partner

Application deadline: The deadline for submission of the online application is 15 March 2013, at 15.00 CET.

Further Information: visit website